Data Visualisation

Dr. Marten During (University of Luxembourg), Dr. Robin De Croon and Francisco Gutiérrez Hernández (KU Leuven)

This skills training served as an introduction to data visualisation, an important skill in digital humanities and historical research, analysis and presentation. The first training day focused specifically on network visualisation and the use of Palladio as a DH tool in social network analysis. Instructor Dr. Marten Düring also talked about the Histograph, a graph-based exploration and crowd-based indexation for multimedia collections, as a ‘showcase’. This training day investigated how texts can be used for constructing networks, how to visualise social networks and relations, and which computational techniques can be used for that in historical analysis. The second day of the skills training provided an introduction in data visualisation from a computer science and human-computer interaction (HCI) perspective. Instructors Dr. Robin De Croon and Francisco Gutiérrez Hernández gave a hands-on introduction to Tableau as a DH tool for data visualisation and analysis. They also explored how data visualisation links to various perception and design principles and provided insights into visualisation and interaction techniques.