DTU skills training on ‘Algorithmic Critique’

18 April, 2018 (DHH-ST-07)
Prof. Dr. Pascal Bouvry, Prof. Dr. Frank Hofmann, Dr. Martin Rosalie (University of Luxembourg)

The objective of this skills trainings is to make students familiar with ‘Algorithmic Critique’ as an important skill in Digital History and Humanities research. Specifically, the training provides an introduction to optimisation, search and decision problem modelling. Various solving techniques based on exact methods (A*, B&B, LP), approximated ones (heuristics, meta-heuristics, problem relaxation) and hybrids will be demonstrated and experimented with. Students are also taught how to validate the proposed solution by having a scientific approach. The practical session involves meta-heuristics and evolutionary computation with the implementation of an Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. An application of Artificial Ants for Natural Language Processing will be presented as well. The training is open to PhD candidates (maximum 20 participants) with an interest in algorithmic critique, data optimisation and search modelling.

Training program and course materials (Moodle)
Assignments written by participants (Confluence)